Lviv, Ukraine: Marches to Honor the Criminal 14th Waffen Division of the SS and Stepan Bandera Have Continued for Years.
Rallies have likewise occurred throughout Ukraine and Riga, Latvia.
The 14th Waffen Division of the SS continues to be honored in Lviv, Ukraine. Public demonstrations to support the 14th Waffen, declared a criminal organization by Nuremberg, have continued for years.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has a video showing Nazi marches in Lviv/Lvov/Lwow:
Files available through hr CIA document the radical extremism of Stepan Bandera loyalists, describing how Bandera was detained by German authorities after proclaiming Ukraine’s independence:
And includes a statement that Bandera would help the Allies if the Western powers “abandon their attempt to maintain lawful relations with Russia:”
Bandera’s focus on destroying Russia caused a schism among Ukraine nationalists in the WWII and post-WWII era:
In 1942, Bandera lied about having the support of the Germans to declare an independent Ukraine. After the Germans demanded Bandera cease his political activities, him and his followers launched a campaign of terrorism:
“Bandera falsifiers resorted to the fabrication of two false documents” in order to proclaim an independent state whose first act “was an expression of the deepest gratitude for Hitler:”
Western media outlets have covered these marches, which includes widespread use of Nazi symbols, slogans, and apparel.
In 2012, BBC alleged widespread racist abuse during Euro 2012 soccer/futbol tournament hosted in Urkaine. A Polish teams home city was likewise accused of engaging in anti semetic chants. Ukraine ambassador dismissed the claims.
The Kyiv Post published an article in 2013 about the 75th anniversary march for the Ukraine 14th Waffen SS division:
Ultra nationalists in Ukraine marching with torches to honor Stephan Bandera in Keiv on January 1, 2014 with torches (yes, the BBC spelled Keiv differently in 2014):
The AP covered marches to honor the SS in Lviv, Ukraine in 2015:
The AP also covered a march honoring the SS in Latvia the same year as the above AP footage was posted of 14th Waffen SS marches in Lviv:
Also in 2015, The Gaurdian published a video of far right battalions in Ukraine holding militant camps for children:
The World Jewish Congress shared footage from a 2019 march honoring the SS in Latvia:
Video from a 2013 march in Latvia honoring the SS:
The AP and other outlets likewise covered Ukraine Nationalists marching to honor Stepan Bandera multiple times:
Jewish News One from 2013:
A EuroNews video posted in 2013 video explains how the nationalist Ukraine movement had been working since 2005 to march on October 14th, which is a religious holiday in Orthodox Christianity dedicated to the Mother of God (Theotokos' Ever Virgin Mary). The nationalist group made Nazi type salutes while waving nationalist banners, including those to honor Stepan Bandera UPA. The nationalist party choosing to March on an important Orthodox holiday was a strategy to strengthen their political movement by elevating politics above religion. This would be similar to a radical Nazi party marching on Christmas in the United States The goal is to have the population view the date as politically significant instead of one with religious importance, thereby changing the culture. Second, religion is an obstacle for political movements, as the political movement must “compete” with the church for the time of the individual. If the individual is busy with religious services, they can not volunteer to help a political movement or would refuse to elevate the political cause above the spiritual and religious.
AP video from 2015:
EuroNews Stepan bander march footage from 2016:
EuroNews footage from 2018:
EuroNews Livestreamed a march to celebrate Stepan Bandera's birthday in 2020:
Right Secor and ultra nationalists attacking clergy, women, and Christians during a procession in July 2021.
One of the assailants disrupting the procession waved an American and Ukraine flag:
Bandera flags (black and red) were also waived by ultra nationalists who attempted to block the procession and resorted to assaulting participants as police attempts to prevent violence.
Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland posed next to UPA flags are a pro Ukraine rally in Canada on February 28th, 2022. Freelance Grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was a propagandist for the Ukraine Nazis during WW2:
One belligerent carried some type of bone with him:
AP video from 2022:

The west is hardly ignorant to the problem with Ukraine Nazi collaborators, many of whom found safety in Canada and the United States:

The United States' Operation Paperclip helped relocate Nazi scientists to America. While active members of the Nazi part were not supposed to be recruited, the OSS/CIA bypasses this requirement:
Canada likewise allowed Nazis to immigrate to their country following WWII:

The World Socialist Website published an extensively detailed and researched series on the connections between the U.S., Canada, and Ukraine Nazis and fascists:
Part 4 of the series details how Ukraine Nazis, including veterans of Bandera's UPA and the 14th Waffen SS Galacia division, relocated to Canada with extensive support from US, British, and Canadian intelligence agencies: is the “largest Information Resource about Ukraine and Ukrainians on the Internet.”
InfoUkes Corporation manages the website. In 2001, the organization was located in Canada: dedicated multiple pages to the Galacia 14the Waffen division and the Ukraine Insurgent Army:
InfoUkes Galacia page features a section dedicated to American veterans:
The PDF of the page is below: mentions Canada's UCC on their homepage (February 5, 2005):
The reading recommendations on includes links to the political writings of the Ukraine Insurgent Army:
The website celebrated EuroMaiden, which was an insurrection that resulted in the violent overthrow and replacement of the Democratically elected government. Nationalists favored Ukraine becoming a member of the EU, causing the far right and nationalists to overthrow the government in 2014.
The page included recommendations for media outlets, such as BBC, the Kyiv Post, and Radio Free Europe: links a website called Brahma as a suggested Ukraine travel agency:
The Brama website had a banner advertising how Hillary Clinton visited Lviv: featured articles about the UPA and Insurgent army, as well as news about the Orange Revolution, on their homepage in 2005: page about legislation in Canada demanding restitution to Ukrainians for their placement in camps during WWI (Bill c-331 The Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act link under the Internment of Ukrainian Canadians section):
A PDF of the 2004 proposal:
On the InfoUkes page for Travel information, the link for InfoHub Ukraine Travel Guide redirects to a web page that briefly shows CIA World Facebook Ukraine link under “General Information:”
A screen video captures the “glitch:”
The CIA World Facebook: Ukraine link is for the following website: